Getting our Christmas tree
It's always a holiday tradition to go out and find our own tree. We never end up with quite as nice of one as you could buy, but that's half the fun of the whole thing. After enjoying a warmer that normal November, we are locked in a bitter cold spell in December. Tonight's temperature is dropping to -33 C or -27 F. We don't have alot of snow, so we should be making some good ice out on the lake. We finally froze over the last little bit of the lake on Wednesday the 9th.

Our house building project is moving along. We finished the last few outside projects last week, and we can now concentrate on the interior work. I can add another job title to my growing list of skills I have acquired as a camp owner. I can now call my self a spray foam guy, as I am spraying the entire building in foam insulation. It's a dirty tedious job, but it will pay it self off in our cold climate.

Our house building project is moving along. We finished the last few outside projects last week, and we can now concentrate on the interior work. I can add another job title to my growing list of skills I have acquired as a camp owner. I can now call my self a spray foam guy, as I am spraying the entire building in foam insulation. It's a dirty tedious job, but it will pay it self off in our cold climate.